Wild Flowers of Goa | Ranvotti Phulam Translated in English to Konkani

Wild Flowers of Goa | Ranvotti Phulam Translated in English to Konkani


Wild Flowers of Goa are mostly seen during the rainy season. Some flowers can be explored during the post-monsoon. These flowers create a beautiful travel spot around the whole of Goa. Most of the wildflowers are used as medicinal herbs and help to improve the soil health, prevent erosion and improve the water quality.

The rare and elusive Utricularia Malabarica, endemic to the laterite plateaus of the Western Ghats, can sometimes be found on certain plateaus in Goa.

In this article, we will explore some of Goa’s most beautiful wildflowers and their Konkani names. We will also provide information on where to easily find them, so you can enjoy their beauty for yourself.


Wild flowers of Goa: Conservation Needs:


Despite their importance, wildflower populations face numerous threats, including habitat loss, deforestation, and climate change. Raising awareness about the value of these flowers and promoting sustainable practices are essential steps towards their conservation.


Golden Himalayan Senecio (Senecio Bombayensis) – Konkani Name: Sonki


Senecio Bombayensis, commonly known as Harna or Sonki in Konkani, flourishes across Goa, especially during the monsoon (June-September) and post-monsoon (October- November) periods.

Senecio Bombayensis is a beautiful and versatile plant, with bright yellow flowers that bloom in clusters throughout the year. It is also a valuable source of nectar for bees and other pollinators.

Wild Flowers of Goa


Here, is Where these flowers can be located:

  • Plateaus
    Roadside embankments


Garden Balsam – Impatiens Balsamina – Konkani name: Chirda


Impatiens Balsamina, also known as Rose Balsam or Chiddo in Konkani, is found throughout Goa.


 Wild Flowers of Goa


Mostly you can locate them in the following situations:

  • Roadsides
    Open Green Spaces
    Near water bodies


Wild Til (Sesame Orientalis) – Konkani Name: Gondone Phool


Bell-shaped pink Wild Til’s, a wild variety of sesame, bloom everywhere in Goa during monsoons, their pods holding tiny seeds.

Wild Flowers of Goa


These flowers can be located at the following places:

  • Open grasslands
    Roadsides and disturbed areas
    Dry forests and scrublands


Dhobi’s Handkerchief (Mussaenda Frondosa) – Konkani Name: Bhutkes


Mussaenda Frondosa, also known as Dhobi’s Handkerchief or Bhatkes in Konkani, is a common sight during the monsoon season (June-September) in Goa.
The Dhobi’s Handkerchief, a wild creeper with white bracts beneath tiny orange flowers, known locally as Patri, forms an integral part of the wild offerings to Lord Ganesha during Ganesh Chaturthi.


Wild Flowers of Goa


These flowers can be located at the following places:

  • Forests
    Roadside vegetation
    Open spaces
    Abandoned buildings


Tiger Claws (Gloriosa Superba) – Konkani Name: Chittale


Glory Lily, a vibrant yellow-red vine with an intriguing shape, graces forested areas. Despite its beauty, this flower possesses a deadly secret: it’s poisonous and toxic. Gloriosa Superba, also called Tiger Claws or Nagachem Phool in Konkani, thrives in Goa’s vibrant landscape, particularly during the monsoon season (June-September).


Wild Flowers of Goa


These flowers can be located at the following places:

  • Forests
    Roadside vegetation
    Wastelands and abandoned areas
    Gardens and landscaping


Wild Turmeric (Curcuma Aromatica) – Konkani Name: Kachura


Curcuma Aromatica, also known as Wild Turmeric or Gandhal in Konkani, boasts a beautiful and aromatic presence in Goa.

 Wild Flowers of Goa


Here’s where and how you can encounter this fascinating flower:

  • Forest edges and clearings
    Moist grasslands and meadows
    Seasonal streams and wetlands
    Cultivated gardens


Pagoda Flower (Clerodendrum Paniculatum) – Konkani Name: Ratha Phool


Vivid orange-red flowers blooming in dense clusters, Pagoda flowers adorn green expanses during the monsoon. These striking blooms are cultivated in gardens for their impressive display, adding a vibrant touch to the landscape.

Clerodendrum paniculatum, also known as the Pagoda Flower or Ratha Phool in Konkani, is a vibrant addition to Goa’s landscape, particularly during the monsoon season (June-September).


 Wild Flowers of Goa


Here’s where and how you can encounter this beautiful flower:

  • Open forests and scrublands
    Roadside vegetation
    Wastelands and abandoned areas
    Gardens and landscaping


Silver Cockscomb Silver Cockscomb (Celosia Argentea) – Konkani Name: Kombdi Phool


Celosia Argentea, commonly known as Silver Cockscomb or Chippi, adds a touch of silvery elegance to Goa’s landscape, particularly during the monsoon season (June-September).


 Wild Flowers of Goa | Ranvotti Phulam Translated in English to Konkani


Here’s where and how you can encounter this fascinating flower:

  • Plateaus
    Open grasslands
    Roadside embankments


Buttonhead Pipewort (Eriocaulon) – Konkani Name: Butau


Buttonhead Pipewort primarily thrives on plateaus in close proximity to water bodies.



Here’s where and how you can encounter this fascinating flower:

  • Wetlands and marshes
    Stream and pond edges
    Moist grasslands
    Rice paddy fields


Little Persian Violet (Exacum) – Konkani Name: Kuddachem Phul


Goa’s countryside bursts with stunning displays of wildflowers, blossoming abundantly along roadsides and in fallow fields. These natural treasures, often overlooked in our fast-paced world, attract travellers from afar seeking their beauty. Grounded recognizes the magic of these wildflowers and aims to integrate them into our

landscape designs, showcasing their inherent beauty and fostering an appreciation for nature’s gifts.

Little Persian Violet, also known as Exacum pumilum, is a charming and delicate wildflower found throughout Goa.



Here’s where and how you can encounter this fascinating flower:

  • Wastelands and fallow fields
    Open grasslands and meadows
    Forest edges and clearings
    Rocky outcrops and laterite plateaus


Spanish Cherry (Mimusopes Elengi) – Konkani Name: Ovala or Ovlam


Mimusops Elengi, also known as Bakul or Mauli in Hindi, is a common and beloved flower found throughout Goa.



Here’s where and how you can encounter this fragrant beauty:

  • Forests and woodlands
    Roadside vegetation
    Gardens and parks
    Temple grounds and religious sites


Malabar Jasmine (Jasminum Malabaricum) Konkani Name: Mogra


Jasminum malabaricum, also known as the Malabar Jasmine or Wild Jasmine, adds a touch of elegance and fragrance to Goa’s landscape.


 Wild Flowers of Goa


Here’s where and how you encounter this charming climber:

  • Forest edges and clearings
    Roadside vegetation
    Wastelands and abandoned areas
    Gardens and landscaping


Purple Eranthemum (Eranthemum Species) Konkani Name: Dashmuli


Eranthemum species, popularly known as Dashmuli in Goa, are a diverse group of flowering plants found throughout the state. It is known for its vibrant purple flowers and dense, bushy growth.



Here’s where and how you can encounter these vibrant blooms:

  • Forest edges and clearings
    Roadside vegetation
    Wastelands and disturbed areas
    Gardens and landscaping


The Flame of the Forest (Butea Monosperma) Konkani Name: Rogta Phul


Butea Monosperma, also known as Palash or Flame of the Forest, is a striking and culturally significant tree found throughout Goa.



Here’s where and how you can encounter this majestic symbol:

  • Open forests and woodlands
    Roadside vegetation
    Wastelands and abandoned areas
    Temple grounds and religious sites


Wild Flowers of Goa – Conclusion:


Goa’s vibrant landscape extends beyond its pristine beaches and bustling markets. The hidden beauty lies within its diverse and captivating flora, particularly its wildflower population. The wildflowers of Goa are more than just fleeting beauty.

This conclusion aims to summarize the key takeaways from our exploration of Goa’s wildflower wonders.


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