What is Patrao in Konkani? Patrao Meaning in Konkani

What is Patrao in Konkani? In Konkani who or whom we call Patrao? Patrao simply means “Boss” it is a Portuguese word and people very often use it to respect a senior male person, just like we say “Sir”.in English language.

Let simplify the word “Patrao” a little more. Here I will give two examples in which case one can use this word:

  1. When any worker is working in your house or shop, they will refer to the owner as ‘Patrao
  2. When any person wants some information they will often refer the person as “Patrao”

So, to further clarify, I will write the 10 most commonly used sentences in Goa related to ‘Patrao’.These senteces will help the tourists visiting Goa to speak with the locals.

Common Konkani Sentences with “Patrao”

Patrao, tum kuin rauta?Sir, where do you live?
Tujem nau kitem Patrao?What is your name sir?
Patrao, tujem koslem kam assa?Sir, what work is there of yours?
Patrao, hem address kuin podta?Sir, this address is where about?
Hem shoppachem nau, tem kuin assa Patrao?This is the shop name, where it is located?
Patrao, Colva beach kitli pois assa?Sir, how far is the Colva beach?
Patrao, inga borem restaurant kuin assa?Sir, here is there any good restaurant?
Patrao, mojea kamache poixe kedna deta?Sir, when will you pay my work money?
Patrao, Panjim vosspak kitlem pois assa?Sir, Panjim is how far?
Maka ek taxi zai, kuin meutoli Patrao?Sir, I need a taxi, where will I get?

Conclusion on What is Patrao in Konkani?

In summary, the word “Patrao” in Konkani refers to a man of respect; it is much like the use of “Sir” in the English language. It is deeply influenced by the Portuguese language due to the history between Goa and Portugal. Whether you are a worker referring to the owner of a house or shop, or someone seeking information from a local, “Patrao” is normally used in such situations.

Understanding and using “Patrao” appropriately will make the tourists connect more easily with the locals of Goa and make daily conversations easier with respect. The 10 example sentences provided will be helpful for tourists to improve their communication and have a pleasant visit.

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